SMALL GROUPS intentional / real / welcoming
Small Groups are the places where real life happens. A small group consists of 8-10 people who are committed to growing in their relationships with God and each other. Small Group is a place for authenticity. So no masks, no faking it. It is a place for learning about God as you study the Bible in community. It is the place where you will form the closest friendships you will have during the next four years at UVA. Small Group is the place where you will meet God, in the company of friends, in a way you have never experienced before. Small Groups are awesome and they meet weekly across Grounds.
Email for info on checking out a small group.
LARGE GROUP wednesdays / 8pm / uva chapel
InterVarsity's weekly large group is a great place to get to know who we are and what we are about. We gather weekly to declare who God is through dynamic worship, biblical gospel centered teaching and fellowship with our friends. This fall we will be exploring how God made us for community and mission. They are inseparable. You can't have one without the other. So come join us on Wednesday nights @ 8pm in the UVA Chapel.
WEEKLY HANGOUTS make friends / have fun / enjoy life
Informal spaces for you to connect over something you love. Volleyball. TV Shows. Dodgeball. See our Upcoming Events page for a list of our weekly hangouts you can come out and just have a blast getting to know some new people.​
OUTREACH do justice / love mercy / proclaim hope
There are many ways InterVarsity reaches out to the UVA community and to the city of Charlottesville. Proxe stations, homeless ministry, tutoring, etc. are just a couple of the weekly events you can participate in through IV Outreach. If you are interested in joining other students who want to love our neighbors on Grounds and in Charlottesville, email for more information.
DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS gospel centered spiritual growth
Discipleship Groups are small groups of 2-3 people where you can dive even deeper into your relationship with God. Often focuses around accountability and looking at specific things that you feel God might want to teach you about, discipleship groups are dynamic engines for spiritual growth. To find out more about discipleship groups, email
PRAYER ask / seek / knock
Prayer matters. And some of us would rather pray together than anything else. If so, here are some of the options for you to connect with us as we pray for our community, UVA and the world.​
Weekly Chapter Prayer - kicking off in September! Email for more information.